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Nice Mr.Long… I watched and learnt alot from ur videos….
pls give a best, simple , effective and consistent strategy
for Binary Options in 1 min timeframe…..
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here is youtube comment
Nice Mr.Long… I watched and learnt alot from ur videos….
pls give a best, simple , effective and consistent strategy
for Binary Options in 1 min timeframe…..
video here
list of doji symbols with there meanings ? reader’s message ——————— I was hoping if you had a list of doji symbols with there meanings ? If so could you please send a copy , thank you in advance take care ! ——————— click here A Doji pattern indicated by the Open and…
here is youtube comment here is youtube comment —————— Nice Mr.Long. I bought all your Kindle books. In one of your videos you said, you will be releasing a book about traditional candlestick reading for beginners. When can we expect???? Thanks in advance. Of course Mr.Long. Interpretation differs one person to one person. I agree…….
The buy stop order was placed in anticipation of a break of the ceiling. The sell stop order was placed from the first bar of the range with a trio stop order. The result was that both were hit and lost before I knew it. This time I did not (buy) because there was another…
student message ——————— I need a information that how to know by candlesticks that a market is in momentum or slow? Thanks ——————— video here
Double top and bottom pullbacks candlesticks The double top pullbacks candlestick pattern is formed when the market prices rise, but upon reaching the previous resistance levels, the market prices are unable to go past through (there is no breakout); this occurs twice hence the name double. On the other hand a double bottom pullback pattern…