student question
hello sir , thanks for your answer
student question
hello sir , thanks for your answer
on the 24 candlesticks entry timing strategy reader’s message ——————— Hi Long , i watched your Youtube video on the 24 candlesticks entry timing strategy and did not understand it at all. Please shed more light. ——————— click here On the 24 Candlesticks Entry Timing Strategy All the basic things about engulfing pattern There…
readers message ——————— Hello, I am a Binary Option Trader. Recently I stumble upon your video on Youtube and I watched some of it. I did learn something new which is good. To be honest, my understanding in candlestick is quite weak and I rely heavily on indicators. What i came to realize is that…
readers question ——————— Hello Mr. Long I would like to purchase the below course, but need to know if this is still available…? i clicked the link ‘advanced engulfing candle’ and it sent me to another site which has nothing to do with trading.let me know if it is still available and also in a few…