reach or not
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Thank you for your response. But let me ask you another question please.
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to filter fail trade if last bar reach first candlestick low or not
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to filter fail trade if last bar reach first candlestick low or not
CFD 5Y T-Note Candlestick Its when you buy a longer term bond and then sell the bond as it moves towards its maturity date. The strategy is employed when the yield curve is upward sloping meaning that longer term rates are higher than shorter term rates. Assuming rates stay relatively stable between the time…
Candlestick price action is use other people time and money reader’s message —————— Hello Long, The desires in my trading style are as follows : 1.To be able to predict the trend of the market based purely on the analysis of Candlestick formation 2.To be able to analyse the market with price action AND NOT…
Too small Dojis are NOT recommended either reader’s message —————— Hi Long, Cross trading 5 NZD /USD (Picture above was 56.44 mins in the webinar) You chose Doji B as the profitable cross bar You said long legged Dojis are NOT recommended Too small Dojis are NOT recommended either. QUESTION 1.Why are long legged Dojis…
You can find signals at candlestick trading facebook page reader’s message ——————— Hi Long, do you use mt4? What whould best trading time? Do you send signals when you get in and out of a trade? Thank you ——————— click here here is candlestick trading facebook page Support and resistance candlestick trading
Candlestick Trading Do not Trade until price close Here is reader’s message —————— Thank you so very much. I trade for ex and binary. What are your thoughts on binary. Await your reply —————— Of course candlestick apply for binary It is important decide to trade when price close. look close price this is…